Our Commitment

Your Security Is Our Priority: A Commitment from APEX Access Control

At APEX Access Control, we recognise that securing your home or workplace goes beyond mere locks and keys. It's about trust, reliability, and ultimate peace of mind. This is why we are devoted to delivering access control solutions where your security is our overriding concern. APEX Access Control – where security meets excellence.

Why Choose APEX Access Control?

Over 30 Years of Combined Expertise

Our in-depth experience of over three decades in the field enables us to offer refined, lasting solutions while fostering enduring relationships with suppliers. With APEX Access Control, you're choosing a brand where security meets excellence.

Uncompromising Quality

Our rigorous attention to detail and unyielding commitment to quality ensure that we collaborate only with leading brands and utilise top-tier products, providing you with the most reliable and effective solutions.

Bespoke Security Solutions

We appreciate the uniqueness of every space. Therefore, our experts engage closely with you to comprehend your distinct security needs and provide tailored services.

Core Values


For us, integrity isn't just a buzzword—it's a business imperative. We operate on the principles of honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Customer Satisfaction

We gauge our success by your satisfaction. Going above and beyond to exceed your expectations, we provide free technical support and personalised consultations. At APEX Access Control, customer satisfaction is where security meets excellence.


The security landscape is continually evolving, and so do we. Our commitment to staying abreast of industry trends and technological advancements ensures you always have access to the most modern and effective solutions.

Our Commitment in Action

Consultation and Planning

Our customer-focused approach begins with an in-depth consultation to accurately assess your unique needs, enabling us to design an optimal access control system for you.

Expert Installation

Certified professionals handle the installation process, assuring optimal functionality and smooth integration into your existing infrastructure. With APEX Access Control, your installation is where security meets excellence.

Ongoing Support

Our commitment transcends the installation process. We offer ongoing technical support and maintenance services to keep your security systems performing at their best.

Take the First Step Towards Ultimate Security

Experience the APEX Access Control difference today. Get in touch with us at sales@apexaccesscontrol.com or call us at 01727 576113 for a personalised consultation.

Thank you for considering APEX Access Control. Your security isn't just our business—it's our solemn commitment.